Thursday, November 28, 2019

Classroom Transformations 

It’s been awhile, but nevertheless I’m back! I decided to come back to blogging to document and share my educational experiences. 

To begin I want to share my love for classroom tranformations. What is it? It’s when a teacher transform their classroom into a fun themed event or place. 

I first saw classroom transformations on Pinterest. I got so excited about turning my learning space into a new engaging learning environment for my students. 

My first transformation was Operation Ratio Word Problems. The planning was quite simple, with a few table cloths, gloves, and transformation was complete. When students arrived they saw medical signs on the door, heard the sound of the hospital environment, and saw me in my surgery gear. 

By incorporating a theme, I was able to kick up my lesson up a notch. Although students had to solve word problems, which they hate so much, they had fun performing surgery on them. 

With mask and gloves on, students were excited to get to work. 

I needed students to work with word problems and feared the I plan to take classroom based lessons and kick them up a notch! By incorporating a theme, the students become so engaged they don’t

Imagine walking into a classroom and the tables have red and white checkered tablecloths and chef hats waiting at each seat in order to complete a "mixed up" grammar lesson. How about a nice day at the beach? Sand, water, and beach pails at each table waiting on them to "dive" into a reading lesson. Then a day of "constructing" new words like prefixes and suffixes all while in a construction worker themed class. Let's not forget about being a rock star to "rock" out completing multiplication tasks. We all need doctors to "piece" key ideas together. Lastly, pirates will "hunt" missing numbers while solving math problems.

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